Blog tour : The Madonna of the Mountains by Elise Valmorbida

I was invited by Faber & Faber to take part in the blog tour for the release of Elise Valmorbida’s newest novel, The Madonna of the Mountains! And am I glad I said yes, because not only does the book look absolutely gorgeous with its vintage-inspired cover designed in collaboration with Liberty, but it also a great, great novel. It’s just been released so I only have one thing to say: go to your nearest bookshop and treat. yo. self. Continue reading “Blog tour : The Madonna of the Mountains by Elise Valmorbida”

Review: Fragmented Bliss by B.J. Rosalind

Benita is a 17-year-old author from Indonesia who has self-published her own poetry collection quite recently. She sent me an e-copy in exchange for an honest review and I’m glad she did.

Fragmented Bliss by B.J. Rosalind

Continue reading “Review: Fragmented Bliss by B.J. Rosalind”

Shelf Joy, or the art of curating shelves

If there’s one thing you need to know about me is that I love putting books into categories. In my mind, there is a whole library with shelves with names such as Secret-History-esque Books or Books for Cat Lovers. I remember after reading The Secret History —a.k.a. the best novel ever written— I was looking for similar books like a desperate woman (with the crazy eyes and all).

This is where Shelf Joy comes in like a knight in shining armor. I was contacted by Shelf Joy a few months ago so that I could check out their website. Shelf Joy is basically a digital library, with many shelves curated by actual book lovers like you and me.  Continue reading “Shelf Joy, or the art of curating shelves”